Charting the course

Charting the course

Q & A with Brett Bernardini, Executive Director, Stissing Center for Arts and Culture A strategic plan will not give you a...

Clear direction ahead shines

Clear direction ahead shines

A roadmap clear, bright On just one page, goals in sight For mission, we strive Haiku and a one-page organization strategic plan...



Over the last several months, I have appreciated the opportunity to support some outstanding organizations as they embark on...

Liberate the board

Liberate the board

I often compare the dynamic of boards to family gatherings.   We anticipate certain rituals and predictable behavior from our...

Let’s not return to normal

Let’s not return to normal

There is no shortage of commentary and thought on the impact of the pandemic and the extraordinary events over the last year on...

A Realignment is Due

A Realignment is Due

A realignment conjures thoughts of either a chiropractic appointment or a visit to the car repair shop.  However, realignment...

Inspiration and Impact

Inspiration and Impact

During 2020 I have watched in admiration as organizations of all stripes have navigated a climate of extraordinary uncertainty,...

Fish Heads & Social Innovation

Fish Heads & Social Innovation

I am interested in social innovation, which is really just using creative strategies to address a societal challenge.  So, it...

On Governance

On Governance

We are experiencing an unprecedented moment, disrupted by COVID, hurt by the economic downturn, and excited by a renewed focus...
