A roadmap clear, bright
On just one page, goals in sight
For mission, we strive
Haiku and a one-page organization strategic plan may strike you as two entirely different forms of expression, one is poetry, and the latter is certainly not. However, they share key similarities. It’s one thing to develop a strategy. Still, if it can’t be easily communicated and understood throughout an organization and to the outside world, it’s of limited use and will likely end up on the proverbial “shelf.”
- Concise: Both haiku and a one-page strategic plan are meant to be brief and to the point. Haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry that consists of just three lines, with a strict syllable count, while a one-page plan is precisely what it sounds like—a plan that fits on one page.
- Focused: Haiku is meant to capture a single moment and convey a specific feeling or emotion. A one-page plan outlines an organization’s goals and objectives clearly and concisely. Both forms of expression demand a high level of focus and clarity.
- Easy to Understand: Just like haiku, a one-page plan should be easily understood by everyone who reads it, helping to ensure everyone is working towards the same goals and objectives.
- Memorable: Haiku is memorable because of its simple and direct language; a one-page plan should be just as memorable. By being brief and focused, both forms of expression are easy to remember and reference.
- Inspiring: A well-written haiku can be inspiring, capturing the beauty and majesty of nature, while a one-page plan can be equally inspiring, providing a clear vision of what the organization hopes to achieve.
Parting thought:
A succinct plan formed,
Clear direction ahead shines,
Poetry inspires