Strategic Planning and Facilitation

  • Strategic planning for a food recovery organization that creates distribution channels to underserved populations. Our data analysis provided a comprehensive picture of the demographics of the organization’s core constituencies informing service deployment.
  • Facilitating organization planning for a national behavioral health organization, resulting in the realignment of key department functions.
  • Coordinating and facilitating an all-staff strategy retreat for a statewide biotech association, resulting in the establishment of new departmental goals, performance metrics, and a heightened sense of collaboration among the senior management team.
  • Strategic planning to transition a pilot makerspace initiative into a self-sustaining organization. Our work included an organizational assessment, patron demographic analysis, facility and cost analysis, focus groups, benchmarking, interviews, public engagement, and feedback.

Program Design

We work with organizations to bring their ideas to fruition by supporting the planning and design of strategic initiatives.

  • Program design for the Massachusetts Community Colleges & Workforce Development Transformation Agenda, an initiative that assisted trade-impacted and other eligible residents of the Commonwealth in attaining degrees, certificates, and industry-recognized credentials.
  • Developing a strategic vision for revitalizing a West Baltimore neighborhood for a community development community development corporation, residents, and community stakeholders.
  • Program design and technical assistance for workforce development partnerships funded by SkillWorks, a philanthropic partnership for improving workforce development in Massachusetts.
  • Assessment and redesign of the workforce development component of a federally funded program that provides people with substance use disorders wider access to community services to assist them in their recovery.


Evaluation and Feasibility Assessment

We evaluate existing projects and programs and recommend tactical changes for greater results.

  • Evaluation of a statewide tax credit program for community development corporations across Massachusetts.
  • Research of health care workforce development initiatives in Detroit, MI for a national foundation.
  • Conducting feasibility assessment for a TBI/PTSD assisted living facility in Richmond, VA for returning soldiers.
  • Evaluating higher education faculty home purchase assistance program models for a nonprofit organization of medical and academic institutions.
  • Authoring of a report on employers’ experience with workforce development programs based on executive interviews for a workforce development public policy organization.


Project Management

Organizations need the expertise and added capacity to manage and oversee project delivery. Whether the launch of a new program or a facilities/campus expansion, we add depth and expertise to your team.

  • Management of campus expansion projects for a Boston charter school.
  • Directing a statewide initiative providing professional development and capacity-building programs for workforce development practitioners.
  • Project management and program planning for a 32-bed women’s treatment center and expanded administrative operations for a homeless service provider.
  • A human resources department reorganization and launch for a charter school.


Advisor to Senior Leaders and
Boards of Directors

Senior leaders often need a sounding board to think through specific issues, develop a strategy, restructure a department or function, consider partnerships and collaborations, or develop their board. We are here to help with confidential consultations.

  • An executive director evaluating if their current department and staffing model should be reorganized due to new organizational priorities.
  • A board chair seeking strategies to maximize meeting productivity and board member engagement.
  • A department head charged with developing a business plan to support a pilot initiative.
  • A professional association executive considering a reorganization of the association’s membership services model.
  • A foundation program officer considering the design and implementation of a new program initiative.
  • A newly established board of directors seeking to institute best practices in governance and nonprofit management.

